Success Case

Auto parts customer service case

An auto parts company in Hubei

Optimize the overall supply chain to reduce costs and increase efficiency

Every month Save 5000 US dollarslogistics cost

Delivery timeShorten it by at least 10 days

Reduce occupied funds by 20,000 US dollars

Solved Problem

  • Optimize packaging solutions
  • Adjust delivery pace
  • Achieve efficient connection between upstream and downstream
  • Increase order volume and profit margins

Cross-border e-commerce customer service cases

A beach chair trading company in Shanghai

FBA locks the warehouse and reduces the first-way warehouse entry cost by 20%

Every month Save $15,000logistics cost

20% reductionFBA warehouse entry cost

Solved Problem

  • FBA lock warehouse
  • Adjust the first-leg logistics mode

An electric scooter factory in Yongkang City

Optimize last-mile logistics methods and increase sales profits by 10%


Every month Increase profits by more than 100,000 US dollars

Solved Problem

  • Adjust operating strategies
  • Change delivery mode

A furniture factory in Hangzhou

Fedex delivery price optimization reduces costs by 30%

30% reductionlast-mile express delivery cost

Every month Saved $40,000last-mile courier fee

Solved Problem

  • dropshipping from overseas warehouses
  • Provide Fedex delivery service with very low discount

A certain bathroom factory in Jiaxing City

One-stop card issuance optimization saves 100+ US dollars per order

Every orderSave 100~300 USDeCommerceForthThree

Average one monthSave over $30,000 logistics fee

Solved Problem

  • Provide LTL card service with price advantage

A certain electric tool factory in Yongkang City

Overseas quality inspection and maintenance to solve sales problems

Clear the reason for return and make timely adjustments

Return RateDown 20%,After-sales fees Reduce $10,000/month

Solved Problem

  • Complete quality inspection
  • Clear the reason for return
  • Provide adjustment suggestions

Jiangsu Electric Bicycle Factory

Germany locally assembled to reasonably avoid anti-dumping of electric bicycles

Reasonably avoid large tariffs,,Safe and risk-free

Overall costFalling, reasonable No Penalty

Solved Problem

  • Convert the product to Made in Germany
  • Reasonably circumvented the EU's anti-dumping and countervailing measures

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Address: Floor 22, Building B, Tianjin International Trade Center, No. 39 Nanjing Road, Hexi District, Tianjin, China
Tel: 400-032-5566
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